Adding Gravatar for Users

Add the method to the UsersHelper

We will need to make some small modifications to our existing app

Module UsersHelper

  # Returns the Gravatar for the given user.
  # @param [User] user
  # @param [Hash] options
  def gravatar_for(user, options = {}) 
    options = { 
        size: '200',
        default_icon: 'identicon',
        rating: 'pg'

    gravatar_id = Digest::MD5::hexdigest(
    gravatar_url = "{gravatar_id}?r=#{options[:rating]}&s=#{options[:size]}&d=#{options[:default_icon]}"
    image_tag(gravatar_url, alt: user.first_name, class: "gravatar")

This method will be available in our view templates.

Use the method to get the image for a user

Every where that you want to get a Gravatar, you can do the following

<%= gravatar_for(user) %>

results matching ""

    No results matching ""